“We’re reaching a hard to tap, active audience that is looking for something to do. With Water Closet Media they can’t change the channel, or click off the pop up ad.”
— Rick Carpenter, Portland International Beer Festival
“We reach an active and diverse population through Water Closet Media. It catches our fans while they are out, and they can’t tune it out.”
— Cory Dolich, VP of Business Operations and Marketing, Portland Timbers/Portland Thorns
“ Water Closet Media hits our female audience directly, cuts through clutter and we can tailor our campaign creative to hit multiple aged patrons based on venue type.”
— Amy Ward Kirschbaum, Executive Director, Ovarian Cancer Alliance of Oregon & Southwest Washington
“Water Closet Media is the most effective form of advertising I purchase, and I’ve been a client since 1994. We target an active demographic that spends money. I had over 150 customers last summer solely from our Water Closet Media ads.”
— Casey Dale, Owner, Bungee.com / Bungee Masters
“We receive four times the calls from our Water Closet Media ads than we do from other advertising.”
— Shannon Latimer, Domestica Household Services
“Restroom Advertising is naturally an effective medium for targeting strictly male or female audiences.”
“If you went to the restroom three times, you’d read it again and again. Not only can indoor billboards reach a very discerning customer, but they’ve got that customer’s undivided attention.”
— INC Magazine
“…the ads reach the audience most coveted by advertisers: consumers who like to go out and spend money. Restroom ads also allow companies to target a gender with 100% accuracy.”